Wednesday 7 August 2013

Bird Print Cushion

I've had this beautiful fabric lying around for ages. It was actually a surprise present from my lovely husband after I'd admired it on a trip to Dunelm. However, because the fabric was so pretty, I'd been really nervous about making anything with it just in case I messed up. In the end I just had to be brave and hope it paid off.

So yesterday evening I dusted off my sewing machine and using this very simple tutorial, I made a new cushion for our bedroom.

Isn't it pretty? I'm really happy with the way it turned out and there weren't even that many breakdowns along the way.

If you really like this pattern but don't have the time to make a cushion, I've just discovered that Dunelm actually sell a ready made version.

1 comment:

  1. I like the pattern of the fabric you have chosen for the cushion :)
